Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Under the oak tree
I gaze into the sea
While young children live in glee
And bluebirds sing in harmony 

Why do I sit here 
When the world is so near
Yet I do not wish to leer
and scare the children with my sneer

Am I all alone 
Will I rot to the bone, 
Sink into that eternal moan 
Beneath that weathering grey stone

Is there hope to save 
From that approaching grave
Will someone be so very brave 
As to keep me from death a slave

Is there more to life
Than finding a good wife 
One to fill all this sweet strife
So that I may have a good life?

By Jonathan Gunn 

1 comment:

  1. This poem represents the fear of dying alone and makes allsions to the color blue, representing depression. It transitions from a light and playful tone into a dark and reflective one by the third stanza. The first stanza gives a sense of light and eternal happiness of the external world. However,in the second stanza there is an evident distaste for this world being shown by the author. By the third stanza the author is realizing he is alone in his distaste for this world and wonders if he will die alone. In the fourth stanza he wishes to be saved from his fate by another for he can not save himself. By the fourth stanza he wishes to seek a new love rather than be alone showing a change back to the light from his darkness.
